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Dave Harrison has been an exhibitor at Craft Fairs for many years. First with local Craft Organizers then with firms like Rainbow Crafts and H D Events.

Dave is a Craftsman, working in carved leather and has done so for over 40 years so it was a natural progression to go  into the organising of craft events. He knows what is wanted by the Craft worker and the Show Organizer/promoter.

And, if the Show Organizer / Promoter does not give the required service, Dave will fight the case for the rights of the Craft Worker. 

All Dave's Hand / Shoulder bags are of his own designs. That means the developing of carving techniques for the  picture to be displayed on the leather and the development of the colouring to get the right shading on the animal correct.

A lot of Dave's work is to commission, with customers sending photographs of their pets to be carved onto the bag of their choice. This is where the development comes into the equation.

All the leather is cut from the hide to get the best piece for the job to be done, this means that the strength of the leather required is paramount to making the ultimate product. Any off cuts are used—if possible—for the making of the small goods offered for sale. This reduces the waste and helps to keep prices of the small goods down to reasonable levels.


Here are some exampes of Daves work.




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